Bbs Do I Have to Do Arena Missions Over Again With Each Character

The Mirage Arena is a earth introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, specifically for the game's arena and multiplayer modes.


  • 1 Development and purpose
  • 2 Geography
  • 3 Events
    • iii.1 List of Events
    • three.2 Matches
      • three.two.1 Birth past Sleep Final Mix exclusives
  • 4 Notes and references

Development and purpose

The Mirage Arena was designed to be Kingdom Hearts Birth past Sleeps form of arena battles and multiplayer content, in contrast to previous forms of both elements in the Kingdom Hearts series. Previously, arena matches and long, seeded series of battles were conducted in Olympus Coliseum, and multiplayer was played through a special mode outside of the principal game, such as Mission Way.

The Mirage Arena features the three protagonists, Terra, Ventus, and Aqua, in their armor in this world too. To give the Mirage Arena's multiplayer and arena battles something that surpasses previous incarnations, new Unversed bosses were added to exist exclusive to the Mirage Arena, and multiplayer can exist more than just contesting. Additionally, players can besides race in Disney Town and play a board game on the Command Board.

Originally, the Mirage Arena was meant to have a slight chemical element of story to it, rather than exist completely distant from whatsoever auxiliary characters. The developers planned for Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII to appear in the Mirage Arena as the caput of the loonshit. However, the squad was also planning Dissidia 012 Terminal Fantasy at the aforementioned time, and decided that if Laguna appeared in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, he could non appear in Dissidia 012 Last Fantasy.

The team eventually decided they would rather accept Laguna appear in the latter, and then Laguna was ultimately left out of the terminal product.[ane]

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Mirage Arena (Art) KHBBS.png

The Delusion Loonshit has a futuristic look that resembles that of Space Paranoids. The main surface area of the Mirage Loonshit is called the Hub. It appears every bit a large, mostly hollow, blue sphere floating in infinite. At that place are several small, flashing electrical towers on the outer surface, as well a very large version of the same blazon of tower and a sparse, grey tower. At the bottom of the sphere is a grey, triangular shape, while at the acme is a large, saucer-similar structure with cables running underneath. The structure is surrounded past two concentric rings that constantly rotate most the sphere. The rings have circuitry running along the outer edge, and a pattern of triangles on the inner edge. In that location are also ghostly rings around the bottom of the sphere and some other half-ring running around the centre of the construction.

The lobby is in the center of the sphere. In the heart of the blueish, tiled floor is a big, circular indentation with rings of neon lights. On one side is a round transporter to the exit, and on the other side is a calculator console and a Moogle that runs a Medal Shop. Hanging from the top of the sphere is a bulbous machine, projecting a sphere of moving light.

Mirage Arena Lobby.png

Floating a distance from the large sphere is a hemispherical platform with a Save Point and a transporter to the lobby. The player enters and exits the Delusion Arena from this platform.

While most events occur in different areas in other worlds, some Loonshit matches take place in a Battle Loonshit, in which red screens of various shapes surroundings a circular field colored various shades of blueish. The surrounding space tin be seen through the windows in this area. A third area, also used for battle, places players in a room with a nighttime floor and walls.


When entering the vestibule, players have the option to play either over the cyberspace or offline. All events can exist played online with multiple players, while all but Versus Mode can be played with 1 player.

Once in the entrance hall, events tin can exist selected from the panel. A player connected to the cyberspace tin choose to either host an event or join an existing ane. Once all players have chosen to participate in an event, the event tin begin once all players become to the eye of the lobby and printing Start.

Participating in events earns players Medals, which can exist exchanged for Deck Commands and key items from the Moogle.

Listing of Events

  • Versus Mode: (Multiplayer only.) Players face up each other in boxing. Both team matches and gratuitous-for-all matches are available. Upward to six players can participate with pre-made Command Decks, or up to 3 tin play with their own Decks.
  • Arena Mode: Players face off against rounds of enemies. Upward to three players can participate.
  • Control Board: Players confront off in a Control Board game. Up to three players can participate. The host in a multiplayer game is gratis to choose the location of the boards.
  • Rumble Racing: Players engage in a race in Disney Boondocks. Up to six players can participate.


  • Mean solar day of Reckoning - Risk 1
  • Wheels of Misfortune - Chance 1
  • Weaver Fever - Risk two
  • Sinister Sentinel - Risk 2
  • Dead Ringer - Gamble 2
  • Combined Threat - Risk 3
  • Risky Riches - Risk 1
  • Harsh Punishment - Risk 3
  • A Time to Chill - Hazard 4
  • Treasure Tussle - Risk three
  • Copycat Crunch - Risk 4
  • Keepers of the Arena - Risk v
  • Villiains' Vendetta - Risk five

Birth by Sleep Final Mix exclusives

  • Monster of the Sea - Risk iv
  • Light's Lessons - Risk 5
  • Peering into Darkness - Take a chance v

Notes and references

  1. Interview "The FFVIII hero was actually supposed to have appeared in Kingdom Heats Nativity by Sleep, Nomura revealed. They'd fifty-fifty partially prepared a scenario where Laguna appears as the head of Delusion Arena. In the end, they decided that if they were to have a new character from FFVIII in Duodecim information technology would end upwardly being Laguna, so they left him out of Bulletin board system."


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